Sunday, February 15, 2009

Memories and News

Memories. Where do you even begin when talking about memories?

Occasionally on my way home from work, I go the back roads. Now, I almost always go that way to work, but I guess I'm too busy paying attention to all of the traffic and whether that car is going to pull out in front of me to think about memories. But things are a little less hectic on the way home.

When I pass Mission Road, I always remember when Mom and I stopped by to visit with Aunt Wanda after my swim lessons. Wow! How old would I have been? And I remember the little slipper coin purse she gave me for whatever accomplishment I made one week. I believe it was blue and white and had a 50 cent piece in it. Mom, do you remember?

And that just seems to be a catalyst to start other memories. Staying with Aunt Jamie and Tammy while Daddy and Uncle Leo went hunting. Going frog gigging with Daddy and Uncle Leo. (I'm sure they regretted that move.) Fishing on the Arkansas River at Uncle Frankie's. (Dad regretted that a few times too when I forgot to switch to reverse and put him in the trees.) Fish fries at our house or at Aunt Jamie and Uncle Leo's. Reunions everywhere. Uncle Charles and Aunt Christa coming home. Carmen in a swimming pool in our backyard. (I can still see her vaccination mark.) Trying to scuba dive in Aunt Eva's pool at TCJC and not being able to stay down. (Oh, but to have that problem these days.) Of course, I can't forget Tammy's "present" on my 10th birthday. (Sorry,girl. I still love you.) Uncle Bobby bringing Aunt Janet to the house for the first time. Them living practically next door. Sean coming home from the hospital. All of Uncle Herman and Aunt Kay's (and the girls) trips home and summers spent with them. Picking pecans at Uncle Frankie and Aunt Janice's.

Gee, I could go on forever. Do you have any Harrell memories that you would like to share? Email them to me at, and I'll be glad to get them on here.

Has everyone heard that we added to the family in January? Johnny and his wife had a baby boy, Connor Charles.

Uncle Herman is recuperating from his surgery. It was so good to see Dorinda (and a bit of Debbie). They're both on their way home now.

That's all of the news I have. I hope to see more activity on here. Give me a yell if you aren't receiving the calendars.

Love to all and Happy Birthday to you February babies,

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